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Libby’s Paintings up for Bidding

Libby, a Lambs Farm Participant since 1969, has a true passion for painting. Her early introduction to colors made her a huge fan of all things art. From the time Libby could pick up a brush, she worked on paint by numbers with her mother and spent hours precisely...

George Celebrates Retirement

“We miss George at the Magnolia Café & Bakery,” Participants Sari and Tom said. “He was a fun guy to work with.” George, a Lambs Farm Participant, is now a retired man. He took on janitorial duties at the restaurant for 21 years. George loved spending his work...

Brian’s Pet Center Passion

When you visit the Dogwood Garden & Pet Center, there’s a good chance that Brian, a Lambs Farm Participant, will greet you with a big smile. Brian has worked in the Pet Center for an impressive 25 years, and he truly loves his job. He spends his work days keeping...

Mike’s Major Moments

In honor of the Special Olympics 50th Anniversary, Mike, a well-rounded athlete, reflects on his accomplishments since joining Lambs Farm in 1984. “My life has changed since I started competing,” Mike said. “I’ve been playing sports for as long as I’ve been at Lambs.”...

Thank You, Highland Middle School

In the fall of 2018, Highland Middle School students chose Lambs Farm as their school-wide charity of the year. By the time school let out for summer in May, they managed to raise an impressive $8,743 for the men and women of Lambs Farm. Students worked together to...

Dollhouse Architecture Creations

A new Quest class started this year with the help of Michele Hendrickson, a Lambs Farm Participant. Michele has cerebral palsy, which affects the movement of her right hand. Michele never lets her disability limit her love for crafts. Michele has always had a passion...