At age six, sign language was merely an interest for Sarah. Years later, her skill has given her the passion, determination and voice to speak on behalf of the special needs community at Lambs Farm and beyond. Sarah’s story begins with Linda Bove, the actress with...
“I just feel very proud,” Laura said as tears gently streamed down her face after sharing her accomplishments since becoming a Lambs Farm Participant in 1980. In the time Laura has called Lambs Farm home, she has grown in all aspects of her life. She loves competing...
Lambs Farm is devoted to providing the best resources and opportunities possible to Participants in all areas of life. The Wellness Department carries out Lambs Farm’s mission by promoting healthy lifestyles with a variety of activities. While Participants have many...
After 15 years, a special club formed by a common interest and fate continues to offer Lambs Farm Participants the opportunity to grow, experience fulfillment and create special memories. Jeanne Curtin, the admirable volunteer and club coordinator, can hardly believe...
“I could maybe take over her job,” Tom, a Participant at Lambs Farm, says with a smile. He is referring to Elaine Bock, the manager of Magnolia Café & Bakery, as he goes through his list of tasks he has mastered while working at the restaurant. Lambs Farm offers...