2021 is a special year because it marks our 60th anniversary! In honor of this big milestone, we decided to create a virtual 60K Challenge in lieu of our traditional Fun & Fit Family Day to celebrate with our supporters all around the country.

The challenge starts on June 1 and runs through June 30. This gives registrants one month to walk, run or bike 60 kilometers. It may sound daunting, but you’ll be surprised how easily you can do this on your own or with your family and friends. The best part is that you will be supporting over 200 Lambs Farm Participants while staying active and healthy.

Here’s the breakdown:

• 1.25 mile run, walk or bike every day for 30 days
• 3.1 mile run, walk or bike 3 days a week for 4 weeks • 9.3 miles a week
• 37.3 miles total

When you sign up for the 60K Challenge, you have the opportunity to participate for free when you use our referral program. For every three friends you refer, you will earn $10 back on your registration. In addition to earning money back, you can also fundraise and earn free swag when you become a Lambs Farm Champion. Swag prizes vary based on the amount of money raised.

All proceeds from our 60K Challenge help support the programs that make such a difference in the lives of the remarkable men and women of Lambs Farm. As we celebrate our 60th anniversary, we are reflecting on their experiences as they continue to grow socially, vocationally, and athletically, while instilling feelings of self-worth, belonging and a sense of community.

If you would like to increase your brand awareness and become a sponsor, please contact Special Events Coordinator Kathy McMeins at 847.990.3749 or by email kmcmeins@lambsfarm.org.