It was another eventful holiday season at Lambs Farm as Sugar Maple Country Store staff and Participants hit record-breaking sales. Through our partnership with Packed with Purpose, a special gifting company with a social mission, we fulfilled one of our biggest orders ever: over 87,000 bags of several of our best-selling items.

We also had the opportunity to work with several corporations, one being our friends at Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc (WJE). We put together special customized gift boxes full of delicious Lambs Farm cookies and chocolates, as well several products from our social enterprise partners. As Participants baked, assembled and packaged all 700 boxes, the whole process was documented and made into a video. As WJE’s recipients received their gifts, they got a behind-the-scenes look at our mission.

By the time the new year hit, staff and Participants had spent countless hours in the bakery and ended up producing over 9,900 pounds of cookies and 101,000 gifts that were sent all across the country. Our busiest time of the year would not have been possible without teamwork from many departments. Staff and Participants on campus helped every step of the way, from labeling bags to loading boxes on the truck for shipping. We also had volunteers from Astellas, Subaru and several individuals dedicate their time in the bakery, ready and willing to tackle any task that came their way. Their extra hands and positive attitudes made a huge difference, and Participants loved showing them the ropes.

Not only was our catalog season in full swing, but we also safely hosted our much-loved Breakfast with Santa event after having to cancel in 2020. The Magnolia Cafe & Bakery offered plated meal options and limited seatings to avoid large crowds. Once families finished up at the Cafe, they walked over to our Visitors Center which was transformed into Santa’s workshop, thanks to the decorating expertise from our friends at LTD Commodities. Children were able to get a special goody bag, pick out a present, write a letter to Santa and meet their favorite big jolly guy in red.

We had a great time celebrating with our guests and were so happy we were able to bring back a long-standing event that has been enjoyed for generations. It may have been our busiest season yet, but we had plenty of fun, shared many laughs and learned just how much we can accomplish when we work together