Summer is in full swing for the men and women of Lambs Farm and they are having a blast!
They welcomed the season with a summer kickoff dance. After having a delicious dinner, participants, staff and volunteers played yard games and enjoyed music, dancing and more.
On June 9, athletes headed to the Special Olympics State Summer Games at Illinois State University to compete at the championship level for bocce, track and swimming. Participants played their hearts out and collectively earned 6 gold, 11 silver and 3 shiny bronze medals. Athletes had a great time cheering for each other, taking part in all the weekend activities and celebrating their skills and abilities.
Participants continue to learn and grow in Quest classes. Travel class has been on some fun outings in the community with visits to the Rainforest Cafe and Nickel City. Participants in gardening class developed green thumbs as they helped plant and pot tomatoes and peppers. They did such a great job tending to the plants that they were able to put them up for sale at the Garden Center.
The Participant Theater program is making great progress on their musical movie with some participants getting even more inspiration after seeing the new version of The Little Mermaid in theaters. They can’t wait to share their hard work with everyone at the red carpet event this fall.